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General assistance

the a.c. nava trust

The A.C. Nava trust fund was established to address the unexpected social needs that members may have by providing them with supplemental assistance. Individuals in the following situations may apply to receive general assistance:

Medical Emergencies

– Emergency surgery
– Dismemberment

Death of a church member or an immediate family member

-Funeral Arrangments

Natural Catastrophes

– Flood
– Earthquake
– Hurricane
– Fire

General Assistance Application

Emotional Needs

– Counseling Fees
– Rehabilitation


– Homeless
– Unstable 


retired pastors

The Department Of Social Assistance helps retired pastors through financial support. The church honors their efforts and the time invested for the advancement of the Gospel. In gratitude for their hard work, the retired pastors program provides them with monetary assistance on a monthly basis. The church esteems our retired pastors and they will not be forgotten.



We recognize the need to assist the women who have faithfully labored along side their husbands in the office of pastorship. The Widow's Oil project is designed to help pastoral widows whit their financial burdens. Because of the generous contributions given by the churches and members of the Apostolic Assembly, the Department of Social Assistance is able to bless and serve our beloved pastoral widows.

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